Tommy Lee Goes to College

I can't believe I am typing this, but we caught Tommy Lee Goes to College last night on NBC and it is really pretty good. There is a large contingency of people who tend to write off the reality tv genre as a whole and to them, I say, bite me. RealityTV, like anything other genre, is only as good as the concept and the personalities involved. This show has a pretty unoriginal concept (Back to School, anyone?), but Tommy Lee is the perfect personality for it.
He has the laidback, stoner vibe that is perfect for college life at the University of Nebraska. Instead of a fish out of water, he is the big tuna in a pond filled with chicks, parties and fun. The thing that amazed me the most about the show is the fact that Tommy actually seems to be taking it pretty seriously. When he gets a question right in his Horiculture class you literally want to cheer for him. And when he tries out for the marching band and sucks, I really felt for the guy.
Surprising, I know. But check it out if you don't believe me. You know you want to.
Like I need another show to be addicted to! :O Heh. What instrument did he want to play in the marching band?
Drums, of course.
Check it here.
I, uh, didn't remember that he played drums. Heh. I was entertained by the notion of him on the tuba or french horn. :D
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