When my wife and I moved to Phoenix over five years ago, she was excited about the move with two massive reservations named, rattlesnake and scorpion. Of course, I reassured her that, although they are here, she would most likely never see one and not have to worry about it. Even after quite a few mountain hikes, we have yet to see a rattlesnake (there was one close call though, we were hiking in the South Mountain Park one hot, early summer day and as we were approaching the peak another young couple were coming down the trail and made a passing comment about watching out for the snake on the trail ahead...needless to say, we didn't make it to the top).
Scorpion sightings have been kept to one time at the Arizona Mills Mall when a lady found a scorpion in her kids stroller while standing in line at the Gap...until this morning.
Back to the scream. Scorpion on the wall in our living room. This freaks me out a little bit, but Rachel, yikes, she actually cried. She tried to tell me that because it was small, it was a baby and they must be mating in our house and they were going to be everywhere. I did my best to reassure her that they are small naturally, which they are. Now what to do about the scorpions...
I want a picture...don't tell me you didn't take a picture. DON'T! TELL! ME! You had to take a picture...right?
Here in Detroit, the scorpions carry guns.
Rachel was a little more concerned with me getting it out of the house without losing it or having it go on a deadly stinging rampage.
I sprayed the crap out of it outside with Raid and killed it pretty quickly. I went out and took a picture just now of the rotting carcass.
I would not be able to go back into the house for days. And especially not until the Orkin man came out and sprayed it down inside and out. Just reading about it is giving me goosebumps, I do not like bugs of any variety but scary, deadly, evil way!
They're not evil, just misunderstood.
They are lovers, not fighters.
Can you eat those things?
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