Browncoat fever

So, maybe you have been living under a large rock on the internet for the past two years and somehow have avoided the call of the browncoats. You know who you are (Lance). Firefly was the new show put together by Joss Whedon (if you need me to tell you what else he has done you may need to buck up and resign yourself to the fact that you, sir, are no geek.) Anyway, he put together half a season of the show and handed it over to Fox for air and they managed to make one of the worst mistakes in recent history when it come to the handling of a TV property. If they had canceled Arrested Development this year, I would say they are completely incompetent but it appears that at least someone who knows what they are doing over there.

You may be wondering why am I talking about a show that has been canceled for two years and is never coming back (/reverse psychology). Because of the movie, Silly. When the resulting DVD set sold a quarter of a million copies in the first couple of weeks, Universal Sudios took notice and greenlighted a film based on the show called Serenity It opens on September 30th and should be great. So, as I specialize in being so far behind the curve it is almost laughable, check out the show on DVD (or on the Sci-Fi Channel that is running the series on Friday nights right now) and don't miss the movie.
Awesome! You have joined the recruitment efforts. Your mission is to get at least 2 friends to become fans of the series before the release of the movie. Get on it! You are running out of time. :D
Ummm. I haven't seen LOTR Two Towers or Return of the King. Haven't seen Star Wars 2 or 3. That should tell you my interest in this thing. Nice try though...this is a entirely new level of internet geekdom. I can't even feign an interest.
Come on, you aren't even trying. Feign, darn it! FEIGN!! I have the episodes on my computer and I could burn them and send them off to you so you could sample the greatness. No? You should be ashamed of your self...
I'd say I'm pretty firmly in the geek category, but I don't really like any of Whedon's stuff. I might see this movie though, if I can talk someone into seeing it with me.
You may not like his stuff, but earning you at least five points of the geek scale is the fact that we are discussing the quality of his previous work without ever mentioning exactly what his previous work was.
Let's face it: geeks only know how to fall into anarchy. We don't work well in teams.
We don't work well in teams because no ever gets picked first.
I'm so behind that I'm just now getting to this post.
I am in Chad's camp: I'm geek enough to be familiar with his previous work, but have never been a big fan. Buffy is like junk food: it tastes good only so long as you keep eating it. The minute you stop you realize you have a bit of an upset stomach, and you feel guilty for having indulged in such empty calories.
Eh. I wouldn't turn down watching Firefly, but I'm not seeking it out either.
To point, I have never been a fan of either Buffy or Angel, but, Firefly, that is something else all together.
I really love it and my wife, who isn't a geek by any means, loves it. It is really great stuff.
Seek it out, Holly. Seek it out.
Firefly is really great. It's like how Batman Begins wasn't just a good Batman movie but a great movie, period. Firefly is not just a good sci-fi series, and it wasn't just a good series for Whedon fans -- it was simply a great series with a cast that had chemistry, and the BEST dialog in a TV series (full disclosure: I haven't really watched Arrested Development, so I can't compare).
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