Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Uganda Follow up

A little more info on the Uganda orphanage situation. We had diner last week with the couple that has founded the orphanage. They are having the first two housing structures and kitchen area built as we speak over there. They are also are having a well dug on the land. Obviously, the hope is that they will have freshwater, but it is entirely possible that they will have saltwater and need filtration systems installed.

They were looking to have us go to Uganda with them in late August/early September in anticipation of those first housing units being finished. We would then head over and help with getting things set up. They are looking for Rachel to help with organization (her mutant ability - little hyped for XMen opening this weekend?) and I would help with minor building (without electricity, my mutant ability of spending too much time online will go to waste).

There in lies the problem. In my mind, that is much too quickly for us to turn around and get everything together to get over there. Shots, planning, raising $4 to $5k. There is a lot to get figured out. What we have decided is that Rachel will help with planning and getting donations here and we will start looking at the idea of heading over sometime around the end of Q1 2007.

Once again, our plans may fall apart but we need to have something to shoot for...


At Tuesday, May 23, 2006 8:26:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


August/Sept. would be insanely quick!
It's really unfortunate you didn't find out about it sooner.

At Wednesday, May 24, 2006 10:55:00 AM, Blogger eingy said...

Wow! Let us know when you start fundraising, as I'd like to make a contribution. You guys rock!

At Wednesday, May 24, 2006 1:26:00 PM, Blogger Jeremy said...

Rachel met with the founder today for lunch and got us much more information, including such stuff as blueprints for the building and cost estimates for outfitting the homes.

Even if we don't go in September, we hope to be quite involved with them until we do go. I'll keep everyone up to date.

Thanks for the offer, Ei-Nyung! We will we needing to come across lots of good friends like you when the time comes. Rockin' right back at cha!


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