Superbowl letdown

Rachel and I spent the last two months planning and preparing for a Superbowl party that was hosted at our house yesterday. I have now come to realize that there is no better way to have a semi-lame party than to tie it to a overhyped football game.
Not that the party was that lame, but the football game really kind of sucked the life out of it. Sure, it could have been the fact that the game itself was one of the most boring I have ever seen. Or that I really couldn't have cared less which team won. Something about getting together for a game that everyone then kind of feels obligated to watch in itself isn't that fun. Four hours of John Madden yapping in my ear, isn't that fun.
So, when did the fun start? After the game when Guitar Hero was busted out and the laughs began.
So what did I learn from this.
1. Parties need to be much more free flow.
2. Scheduling a party around a bloated game that no one cares about but everyone feels they should be watching isn't the best idea in the world.
3. Guitar Hero rocks and might be able to bring peace to the world if we can just figure out how to get the Palestinians and the Israelis together for some blazing head-to-head guitar battles.
If you brought peace to the Middle East that way, you truly would be a Guitar Hero.
I'd think the Israeli's might prefer Parappa the Rappa.
stupid useless apostrophe...
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