Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My Name is Mud

I love easter egg type stuff that is just for early adopters of technology. It's really great and, although completely trivial, it makes me feel just a little more validated in my purchase.

As if I need to feel more validated about my purchase of my HDTV and paying for an HD feed with my digitalTV package... I mean, High Def Rocks!

And last night, that sentiment was confirmed on "My Name is Earl". Rachel and I were watching it and the scene shown in the picture came on. She asked what that sign he was holding in the background was. With a rewind, we see Earl's brother is holding a sign that says "High Def Rocks"...just to the wide edge of the screen that could only be visible on HD feeds.

As if I need to feel more validated about watching "My Name is Earl"... I mean, Earl rocks!


HD Beat also has a story covering this awesomeness


At Wednesday, October 05, 2005 10:57:00 AM, Blogger eingy said...

Ha! That is too awesome. I wish I had HD now. :D We had it for like 4 days, but because we use the regular TiVo (which doesn't record HD), we took it back and got the regular cable box back. Boo!

At Wednesday, October 05, 2005 11:02:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I missed that part. I'll have to check the DVR when I get home today. I'm loving the Comcast dual HD tuner DVR. I can record two HD shows at once!

At Friday, October 07, 2005 8:08:00 AM, Blogger A_B said...

That Easter Egg pisses me off.

/Really jealous


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