Politics. I used to be such a political firebrand. I was a raging right winger who was willing to go to the mattresses debating any and all topics. I would usually be engrossed in the arguments and feel the need to have a strong opinion on every issue and then be prepared to defend them to the death.
Now...eh, not so much. I would like to think there are a number of contributing factors. Age is one of the major issues. I think I have simply mellowed out in my (oh so old, twenty eight years) life. I have realized that there is a lot of things that are important to me and although I am still interested the happenings of the world and politics in general, I just don't care anywhere as much as I used to.
The next factor? Cynicism. I have become a cynic when it comes to politics. Seeing that the middle of America (generally speaking, not geographically) is the direction politicians have to shoot for and that these people for the most part are completely ignorant of politics or the world at general, it makes me crazy. I understand that these people's votes are needed to win. And I understand that in order to get them involved you have to aim low and talk lower, but, as, what I would like to think of as an informed voter, it drives me nuts.
The result of all of that is a loss of idealism. I have my ideals and what I think the world should look like and when I first started getting into politics I was on fire with the idea that I could change the world. That I was part of something that was making a difference. Now I realize that I'm not making a difference at all in the ways I want the world to change. As a conservative (more than a Republican) I have a very limited government view of the world, but as I look at the current political landscape, I don't see much action for that viewpoint.
It all sounds like the same crap to me almost all the time. Whether from the left or the right, I don't buy it and it seems I don't really care...and by the looks of this blog, this isn't the only topic I am apathetic about.